May 20, 2020
Dear RPS Students and Families:
Many students have personal items in their desks and lockers in schools throughout the district that they would like to retrieve. In accord with current strict social distancing guidelines from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the State, today we are releasing our plan for how faculty and students may safely retrieve their items.
The specifics of how pick-up is being handled at each school will be communicated to you in an email from your building principal. That email should be in your inbox now. At the elementary level, student’s belongings will be “bagged up” and delivered to your car curbside. Retrieval at the middle school and high school will be done alphabetically, with students being allowed into the building a few at a time (masks required to enter), to retrieve items from their lockers and in some cases, classrooms.
Please make every effort to retrieve items during the times and days specified by your building principals. If you are not able to come at these times and you would like the contents of your child's desk or locker, contact your building principal.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Alan Cron