Please see the following guidelines and expectations for snow days at Esten during the 2020-2021 school year.
During a remote snow day, elementary teachers will:
● Sign into the remote cohort and greet students.
● Meet with hybrid, in-person cohort and give directions to start the day (9:15).
● Plan a mini-lesson in math, deliver the lesson and assign independent work.
● Plan a mini-lesson in reading and or writing, deliver the lesson and assign independent work.
● Meet with remote and hybrid in-school cohort at the end of the day.
During a remote snow day the expectations for the hybrid in-school students are:
● Remote cohorts will proceed as a normal day, meeting with teacher in the morning and afternoon and specialist at their designated time.
● In-person cohort students will meet with teacher via Google Meet at 9:15 to get instructions for the day.
● Students will sign back into Google Meet as directed by their teachers.
● Students (both cohorts) will end their day with their teachers via Google Meet.
● Remote Academy teachers and students will proceed as usual.